About me

Having spent the last decade in five different countries, I have gotten to know a lot of new ingredients, cooking methods and recipes. But through these experiences, I have also developed a more personal relationship to food and learned what I like to eat and make. I am all about simple good food, a whole-grain approach to all kinds of baking, avoiding unnecessary fusion, and not using any fat-reduced dairy products. Among other things.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cardamon cake with a couple of twists

This is a variation of a traditional Swedish cardamon cake, to which I have added some more flavours, and the option of more nutrition as well. It has a child-friendly texture (=just normal cake texture, and with extra sugar on top!) but provides some tastebud excitement for the more adventurous eaters.

200 g butter (melted)
2 eggs
3 dl sugar
3 dl milk
8 dl flour
2.5 teaspoons baking powder
0.5 teaspoons baking soda (sometimes called bicarbonate of soda)
2 tablespoons grated coconut 
2 teaspoons ground cardamon
1 pinch bourbon vanilla powder
grated zest of one lemon

Melt butter and let cool. Turn oven to 180 degrees C.
Grease a cake tin with butter and 'flour' it with grated coconut.
Whisk eggs and sugar until white and fluffy (high speed) in the main mixing bowl.
Combine all dry ingredients in a separate mixing bowl.
Alternate adding some of the flour mix and some of the milk into the main mixing bowl to keep the batter at a workable texture (medium speed).
Add the butter and mix until just combined (low speed or with spatula by hand).

Lemonzest, vanilla and coconut about to be mixed in with the flour.

Pour batter into baking tin. Before going into the oven, sprinkle with grated coconut and pearl sugar (also called nib sugar or hail sugar).

As for the timing, just test with a tooth-pick or an uncooked spaghetti. Stick it in a few places where the cake is at its thickest. If it comes out dry, the cake is done! Count on somewhere between 35 - 50 minutes depending the shape and size of your tin. (Or make muffins - it's faster!)

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